Kabastro Human Design
HomeTypes Centers Profiles Channels Gates Incarnation Crosses
The Juxtaposition Cross of Alertness (44/24 | 7/13)The Juxtaposition Cross of Ambition (54/53 | 32/42)The Juxtaposition Cross of Articulation (12/11 | 25/46)The Juxtaposition Cross of Assimilation (23/43 | 30/29)The Juxtaposition Cross of Bargains (37/40 | 5/35)The Juxtaposition Cross of Beginnings (53/54 | 42/32)The Juxtaposition Cross of Behavior (10/15 | 18/17)The Juxtaposition Cross of Caring (27/28 | 19/33)The Juxtaposition Cross of Commitment (29/30 | 20/34)The Juxtaposition Cross of Completion (42/32 | 60/56)The Juxtaposition Cross of Conflict (6/36 | 15/10)The Juxtaposition Cross of Confusion (64/63 | 45/26)The Juxtaposition Cross of Conservation (32/42 | 56/60)The Juxtaposition Cross of Contribution (8/14 | 55/59)The Juxtaposition Cross of Control (21/48 | 54/53)The Juxtaposition Cross of Correction (18/17 | 39/38)The Juxtaposition Cross of Crisis (36/6 | 10/15)The Juxtaposition Cross of Denial (40/37 | 35/5)The Juxtaposition Cross of Depth (48/21 | 53/54)The Juxtaposition Cross of Detail (62/61 | 3/50)The Juxtaposition Cross of Doubts (63/64 | 26/45)The Juxtaposition Cross of Empowering (14/8 | 59/55)The Juxtaposition Cross of Experience (35/5 | 22/47)The Juxtaposition Cross of Experimentation (16/9 | 63/64)The Juxtaposition Cross of Extremes (15/10 | 17/18)The Juxtaposition Cross of Fantasy (41/31 | 44/24)The Juxtaposition Cross of Fates (30/29 | 34/20)The Juxtaposition Cross of Focus (9/16 | 64/63)The Juxtaposition Cross of Formulization (4/49 | 8/14)The Juxtaposition Cross of Grace (22/47 | 11/12)The Juxtaposition Cross of Habits (5/35 | 47/22)The Juxtaposition Cross of Ideas (11/12 | 46/25)The Juxtaposition Cross of Influence (31/41 | 24/44)The Juxtaposition Cross of Innocence (25/46 | 58/52)The Juxtaposition Cross of Insight (43/23 | 29/30)The Juxtaposition Cross of Interaction (7/13 | 23/43)The Juxtaposition Cross of Intuition (57/51 | 62/61)The Juxtaposition Cross of Limitation (60/56 | 28/27)The Juxtaposition Cross of Listening (13/7 | 43/23)The Juxtaposition Cross of Moods (55/59 | 9/16)The Juxtaposition Cross of Mutation (3/50 | 41/31)The Juxtaposition Cross of Need (19/33 | 1/2)The Juxtaposition Cross of Opinions (17/18 | 38/39)The Juxtaposition Cross of Opposition (38/39 | 57/51)The Juxtaposition Cross of Oppression (47/22 | 12/11)The Juxtaposition Cross of Possession (45/26 | 36/6)The Juxtaposition Cross of Power (34/20 | 40/37)The Juxtaposition Cross of Principles (49/4 | 14/8)The Juxtaposition Cross of Provocation (39/38 | 51/57)The Juxtaposition Cross of Rationalization (24/44 | 13/7)The Juxtaposition Cross of Retreat (33/19 | 2/1)The Juxtaposition Cross of Risks (28/27 | 33/19)The Juxtaposition Cross of Self-Expression (1/2 | 4/49)The Juxtaposition Cross of Serendipity (46/25 | 52/58)The Juxtaposition Cross of Shock (51/57 | 61/62)The Juxtaposition Cross of Stillness (52/58 | 21/48)The Juxtaposition Cross of Stimulation (56/60 | 27/28)The Juxtaposition Cross of Strategy (59/55 | 16/9)The Juxtaposition Cross of the Driver (2/1 | 49/4)The Juxtaposition Cross of the Now (20/34 | 37/40)The Juxtaposition Cross of the Trickster (26/45 | 6/36)The Juxtaposition Cross of Thinking (61/62 | 50/3)The Juxtaposition Cross of Values (50/3 | 31/41)The Juxtaposition Cross of Vitality (58/52 | 48/21)The Left Angle Cross of Alignment 2 (28/27 | 33/19)The Left Angle Cross of Alignment (27/28 | 19/33)The Left Angle Cross of Confrontation 2 (26/45 | 6/36)The Left Angle Cross of Confrontation (45/26 | 36/6)The Left Angle Cross of Cycles 2 (54/53 | 32/42)The Left Angle Cross of Cycles (53/54 | 42/32)The Left Angle Cross of Dedication 2 (43/23 | 29/30)The Left Angle Cross of Dedication (23/43 | 30/29)The Left Angle Cross of Defiance 2 (1/2 | 4/49)The Left Angle Cross of Defiance (2/1 | 49/4)The Left Angle Cross of Demands 2 (58/52 | 48/21)The Left Angle Cross of Demands (52/58 | 21/48)The Left Angle Cross of Distraction 2 (60/56 | 28/27)The Left Angle Cross of Distraction (56/60 | 27/28)The Left Angle Cross of Dominion 2 (64/63 | 45/26)The Left Angle Cross of Dominion (63/64 | 26/45)The Left Angle Cross of Duality 2 (34/20 | 40/37)The Left Angle Cross of Duality (20/34 | 37/40)The Left Angle Cross of Education 2 (11/12 | 46/25)The Left Angle Cross of Education (12/11 | 25/46)The Left Angle Cross of Endeavour 2 (48/21 | 53/54)The Left Angle Cross of Endeavour (21/48 | 54/53)The Left Angle Cross of Healing 2 (46/25 | 52/58)The Left Angle Cross of Healing (25/46 | 58/52)The Left Angle Cross of Identification 2 (9/16 | 64/63)The Left Angle Cross of Identification (16/9 | 63/64)The Left Angle Cross of Incarnation 2 (44/24 | 7/13)The Left Angle Cross of Incarnation (24/44 | 13/7)The Left Angle Cross of Individualism 2 (38/39 | 57/51)The Left Angle Cross of Individualism (39/38 | 51/57)The Left Angle Cross of Industry 2 (29/30 | 20/34)The Left Angle Cross of Industry (30/29 | 34/20)The Left Angle Cross of Informing 2 (47/22 | 12/11)The Left Angle Cross of Informing (22/47 | 11/12)The Left Angle Cross of Limitation 2 (32/42 | 56/60)The Left Angle Cross of Limitation (42/32 | 60/56)The Left Angle Cross of Masks 2 (7/13 | 23/43)The Left Angle Cross of Masks (13/7 | 43/23)The Left Angle Cross of Migration 2 (40/37 | 35/5)The Left Angle Cross of Migration (37/40 | 5/35)The Left Angle Cross of Obscuration 2 (61/62 | 50/3)The Left Angle Cross of Obscuration (62/61 | 3/50)The Left Angle Cross of Prevention 2 (10/15 | 18/17)The Left Angle Cross of Prevention (15/10 | 17/18)The Left Angle Cross of Refinement 2 (19/33 | 1/2)The Left Angle Cross of Refinement (33/19 | 2/1)The Left Angle Cross of Revolution 2 (4/49 | 8/14)The Left Angle Cross of Revolution (49/4 | 14/8)The Left Angle Cross of Separation 2 (5/35 | 47/22)The Left Angle Cross of Separation (35/5 | 22/47)The Left Angle Cross of Spirit 2 (59/55 | 16/9)The Left Angle Cross of Spirit (55/59 | 9/16)The Left Angle Cross of the Alpha 2 (41/31 | 44/24)The Left Angle Cross of the Alpha (31/41 | 24/44)The Left Angle Cross of the Clarion 2 (57/51 | 62/61)The Left Angle Cross of the Clarion (51/57 | 61/62)The Left Angle Cross of the Plane 2 (6/36 | 15/10)The Left Angle Cross of the Plane (36/6 | 10/15)The Left Angle Cross of Uncertainty 2 (14/8 | 59/55)The Left Angle Cross of Uncertainty (8/14 | 55/59)The Left Angle Cross of Upheaval 2 (18/17 | 39/38)The Left Angle Cross of Upheaval (17/18 | 38/39)The Left Angle Cross of Wishes 2 (50/3 | 31/41)The Left Angle Cross of Wishes (3/50 | 41/31)The Right Angle Cross of Consciousness 2 (35/5 | 63/64)The Right Angle Cross of Consciousness 3 (64/63 | 35/5)The Right Angle Cross of Consciousness 4 (5/35 | 64/63)The Right Angle Cross of Consciousness (63/64 | 5/35)The Right Angle Cross of Contagion 2 (8/14 | 30/29)The Right Angle Cross of Contagion 3 (29/30 | 8/14)The Right Angle Cross of Contagion 4 (14/8 | 29/30)The Right Angle Cross of Contagion (30/29 | 14/8)The Right Angle Cross of Eden 2 (12/11 | 36/6)The Right Angle Cross of Eden 3 (6/36 | 12/11)The Right Angle Cross of Eden 4 (11/12 | 6/36)The Right Angle Cross of Explanation 2 (23/43 | 49/4)The Right Angle Cross of Explanation 3 (4/49 | 23/43)The Right Angle Cross of Explanation 4 (43/23 | 4/49)The Right Angle Cross of Explanation (49/4 | 43/23)The Right Angle Cross of Laws 2 (56/60 | 3/50)The Right Angle Cross of Laws 3 (50/3 | 56/60)The Right Angle Cross of Laws 4 (60/56 | 50/3)The Right Angle Cross of Laws (3/50 | 60/56)The Right Angle Cross of Maya 2 (62/61 | 42/32)The Right Angle Cross of Maya 3 (32/42 | 62/61)The Right Angle Cross of Maya 4 (61/62 | 32/42)The Right Angle Cross of Maya (42/32 | 61/62)The Right Angle Cross of Penetration 2 (53/54 | 51/57)The Right Angle Cross of Penetration 3 (57/51 | 53/54)The Right Angle Cross of Penetration 4 (54/53 | 57/51)The Right Angle Cross of Penetration (51/57 | 54/53)The Right Angle Cross of Planning 2 (16/9 | 37/40)The Right Angle Cross of Planning 3 (40/37 | 16/9)The Right Angle Cross of Planning 4 (9/16 | 40/37)The Right Angle Cross of Planning (37/40 | 9/16)The Right Angle Cross of Rulership 2 (45/26 | 22/47)The Right Angle Cross of Rulership 3 (47/22 | 45/26)The Right Angle Cross of Rulership 4 (26/45 | 47/22)The Right Angle Cross of Rulership (22/47 | 26/45)The Right Angle Cross of Service 2 (52/58 | 17/18)The Right Angle Cross of Service 3 (18/17 | 52/58)The Right Angle Cross of Service 4 (58/52 | 18/17)The Right Angle Cross of Service (17/18 | 58/52)The Right Angle Cross of Tension 2 (39/38 | 21/48)The Right Angle Cross of Tension 3 (48/21 | 39/38)The Right Angle Cross of Tension 4 (38/39 | 48/21)The Right Angle Cross of Tension (21/48 | 38/39)The Right Angle Cross of the Eden (36/6 | 11/12)The Right Angle Cross of the Four Ways 2 (33/19 | 24/44)The Right Angle Cross of the Four Ways 3 (44/24 | 33/19)The Right Angle Cross of the Four Ways 4 (19/33 | 44/24)The Right Angle Cross of the Four Ways (24/44 | 19/33)The Right Angle Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix 2 (20/34 | 55/59)The Right Angle Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix 3 (59/55 | 20/34)The Right Angle Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix 4 (34/20 | 59/55)The Right Angle Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix (55/59 | 34/20)The Right Angle Cross of the Sphinx 2 (2/1 | 13/7)The Right Angle Cross of the Sphinx 3 (7/13 | 2/1)The Right Angle Cross of the Sphinx 4 (1/2 | 7/13)The Right Angle Cross of the Sphinx (13/7 | 1/2)The Right Angle Cross of the Unexpected 2 (31/41 | 27/28)The Right Angle Cross of the Unexpected 3 (28/27 | 31/41)The Right Angle Cross of the Unexpected 4 (41/31 | 28/27)The Right Angle Cross of the Unexpected (27/28 | 41/31)The Right Angle Cross of the Vessel of Love 2 (15/10 | 25/46)The Right Angle Cross of the Vessel of Love 3 (46/25 | 15/10)The Right Angle Cross of the Vessel of Love (25/46 | 10/15)The Right Angle Cross of Vessel of Love 4 (10/15 | 46/25)
Definitions Kabastro

09 – 52 – Concentration

What we are dealing with is the Channel of Concentration. And the concentration, in a sense, aspects are derived from both the activations, but what it becomes is something else. This concentration is not sitting still. But keeping still is an aspect of concentration, but they are not the same thing. To be still doesn’t mean that one is necessarily concentrated at all. Show me somebody with the 52nd gate that does not have the 9th gate and I will show you somebody who, in sitting still, is not concentrated. They’re uncomfortable and irritated. It’s something else.

It’s the same thing about the 9th gate, this Taming Power of the Small, the potential that is fulfilled through detailed attention to all aspects. But that’s not concentration. That’s an energy potential. It isn’t necessarily focused, this Channel of Focus and Concentration, a Design of determination. We always think that the channel is the gates. If you ask people to describe a channel for you rather than dealing with the keynote and the Design of the channel and elaborating on that, they will talk gates. They’ll either describe it with the accent on one end of the system or the other end. But it’s the channel.

This is the format energy to concentrate. And of course, that concentrate is more than the intellectual concentration; we’re talking about an energy format, to concentrate things, to bring them closer together. And it is a determined energy. It builds momentum. You notice that when you first begin to have to study when you’re in school and you’re studying for some kind of examination. What you notice about that is that the concentration isn’t there until there is a point where somehow you’re lost in it. You get lost in it. Everything gets honed into what that determined focus is going to be. And this is an energy that’s driving the whole logical process, the whole pattern process. – source


Focus and Concentration. This energy is a format energy of the Root. It pulses "on" or "off". This is the energy for focus and concentration or not. When the pulse is on, it adrenalizes the Sacral and things get done. When the pulse is off, it may seem challenging to learn and master. This channel is the beginning of the flow of energy up the middle of the chart. Now we are headed to expression through Life Force (the Sacral to the Throat). The Logical process has been proven, now we are dealing with the energies of applying the Logic with the collective. Remember, this is about sharing with the group the hypothesis that is true or the talent we have mastered. Focus and concentration is the ability to take the understanding and apply it into action. The next 3 channels are about "doing" logic in groups. The Focus and Concentration of the 9/52 is about learning and doing repetitively so that patterns can be established as collective behavior. This is the energy for reading about experiments in books or research journals and duplicating and applying the results in life. – source

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